Homework assignments will be released approximately once a week throughout the course and will appear on the left side of this page.
There will be a total of seven homework assignments, with the final assignment serving as final project:
HW01: Test software setup and practice editing files. Test software installation and the homework submission process; demonstrate basic competency in R syntax, Markdown, and R Markdown.
HW02: Exploring data. Explore and visualize a cleaned dataset on gun deaths in the United States.
HW03: Wrangling data. Wrangle and visualize messy datasets in real-world research environments.
HW04: Tidying data & programming in R. Practice tidying data and programming techniques in R.
HW05: Debugging & working with functions. Resolve code errors, practice writing functions and tidying data using social science data.
HW06: Collecting and analyzing data from the web. Collect your own data from the web, clean, and analyze it.
HW07 Final Project: Generating reproducible social science research. Synthesize everything you have learned in the course through your own research project.
Assessment & Late Submissions
- HW01 is evaluated on a Pass/Fail basis and is worth 5 points.
- HW02 to HW06 are evaluated using a point system and a rubric, which is available on Canvas. HW02 to HW06 are each worth 15 points, while HW07 is worth 20 points.
Late submissions are accepted with a penalty of half a point for each 24-hour period they are late. Check here for more information on late assignments and evaluation criteria,